Quote Originally Posted by JeffYoung View Post
On dyno data, I hate having to use it but in many cases, on the gain number, I'm not sure what else we are supposed to do. It's the way the Process is set up. The gain number is the critical factor and it's where the human error element comes in. How else do we get it right when there is data out there suggesting a deviation from the 25% default should be employed?

I'm very serious about this -- how else do we do this correctly?
You don't. You guys are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and whatever you do is sure to piss someone off. On the one extreme you have those who feel a 100% fixed, formulaic process, with zero allowance for deviation, is the only way to go. At the other extreme you have those who want their cars adjusted because Joe Blow beat their nearly stock Neon last week in his brand new SpeedSource-prepped Meotter. The first group only care about the classification process, and not the outcomes, and are perfectly happy with the inequities that result. The second group only gives a shit about their own little world, and similarly could care less if there is any parity within the classes (as long as their cars are at the top of the heap). It's a no-win situation.

All you can do is try very, very hard to make sure anything you do is thoroughly thought out, and well documented, and supported by as much reliable evidence as is possible.

And oh, BTW, where is the ITAC on my request to drop 100 lbs from my car? I want to go down to Atlanta in a couple of weeks, but at the current weight I have no chance of winning...if you can't help me I'll be forced to go race in World Challenge or something...