Steve - This is SCCA CLUB racing. It's been this way for 60 years. It's a stepping stone to SCCA PRO racing. (I'm not trying to come across as snotty, but there is a big difference between the two, both on a national level and a regional level)

Club racing is something fun for the weekend warrior to do. It's a great training ground for those who go on to other series. It's geared towards enthusiasts, and like all worthwhile things, it doesn't come easy or cheap.

While I commend you and anyone looking to help promote the club, please do not try to make it something it is not. It will never be a pro event. And to those who say SCCA is anti-spectator, actually SCCA is more likely to be anti insurance premiums.

Spectator insurance costs a bunch of money. Money on top of rental fees. Unless the racetrack wants to provide it and charge people to get in, the club really can't afford to provide it. Thus the track makes the call about promoting an event, and the bottom line there will be whatever is best for the track and the club can go hang.

Like rules creep, if we start trying to add prize money to the club end of it, you do realize what will happen don't you?

The faster teams will pour even more money into the cars, the rules gurus will pushpushpush to change the rules on the cars even further and before you know it, the average backyard racer won't be able to afford to do diddly squat in a race with the limited budget and prep they can do. You can at least race now with a chance to be competitive. Imagine how that changes when you are up against guys with pro built 20k motors?

Lack of marketing has been a thorn in a lot of people's sides for years. But really, National promotes the pro end of it. The club end is here just for the fun of it. That's not to say we can't promote on our own, or that you can't drum up sponsorship too. There's plenty of free avenues now like Youtube, facebook, twitter, etc where you can promote yourself and maybe end up offsetting the expenses. And if you want to come up with marketing ideas for your region, I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms.