I think the BMW 318 has a lot of potential but I agree with the post about "new." I picked the MkIII Golf particularly because it was new enough that it was another generation away from being a vintage car. The MkIV Golf is getting cheap enough to be a real option. If I didn't already have 25 (really) 4x100 Kosei wheels, I'd think hard about starting Pablo Tres on that chassis...

...but to turn the conversation around, I'd be hard pressed right now to make sense of building a new ITB car. Since we focus on enduros and the renters that they bring along, I'd step up to something that has a better chance of winning overall - so attracting serious, funded drivers. The original car is such a small part of the package, once everything is built, the $$ difference between ITB and [whatever] is not as great as it might seem.

tGA has me thinking seriously that a real enduro-spec (i.e., 3-hour capacity) ITA Miata could be an OA winner. The SMs are often in the top 10 with their puny little tanks and slow fuel stops.