I guess I missed a few posts when I posted mine...missed a whole page. Oh well.

Matt, it seems to me that your goal is to get the COA to change the ruling of the Stewards and to chastise the Stewards.

It does NOT appear that you have issues with the other driver.

To me, the other driver needs a harsher penalty, and THAT should be goal number 1.

I'd be happy if the Stewards got their hands slapped, but, that would be gravy to me. I guess I see your point that adding evidence gives the Stewards an "out"...(new evidence), but man, you're taking a huge risk in your purist approach.

I'd hit them with new evidence, AND I'd outline the failings of the Stewards, and I'd be VERY clear and concise. DO NOT make them read between the lines. Make your case and have clear calls to actions.