Imagine, if you will, I have those 4 sets of 7" 10#rims (not really, but just imagine) All the reclassed runners have 16 rims in 7" in 10# with tires and you moved us. Now as the market has changed and we have used our old stock of four OEM 20# rims, we are now looking for a reasonable source of 10# 6" rims. But we have oddball bolt patterns and backsets. Spinwerks has exactly 4 15X6" rims to mount on custom centers at $231/each (call her to verify). So that leaves out all the other runners unless they have a more common 4 bolt pattern. Some one suggested I change to 4 bolt, I don't even want to think about that cost 'cause then I have to scrap the 5 bolt inventory I have.

SO the posibilities are:
1. I don't run the next 3 races to buy the last of the 6" rims in existance and then lo and behold some on the (thunder and lightning) ITAB realizes that the best for IT is the change the rules for whatever reason and presto chango the 6" rims are no longer the rule of the land!!!!!and I spent $1000 on useless rims.
2. Don't do anything now and someone else takes a chance and buys those last 4 rims and I am out of luck for any 10# rims.
3. Leave IT for another group.

I don't like any of the above. I know there is no answer that will satisfy the wants/needs of every racer in IT as far a wheel size goes. But a plan to globally address the issue with fore thought needs to be put in place. The market does change, and wheel sizes fall out of favor and are dropped. We need to adapt the rules for IT as a whole so this question is settled once and for all. I am not talking rule creep, but rather rule forethought. In my book fender limits seems the best option as there is a rule in place for tires now that seem to hav pased the test of time. A fender rule would tie the whole thing together in a neat package that is easy to understand and is flexible enough to allow changes in the market over time without further rule changes. After a time, the dust would settle and things would stabilize. Maybe a transition period with added weight would help the situation.