Andy, Rip it off. A fitment rule should pass the test of time if you think about it...regardles of car or class now nad in th future,even if a car happened to b reclassified.

Steven, if cost and availability are not a concern, then your logic would put a strain on all racers in all venues. Cost and availability is a concern to all sanctioning bodies, just look at formula 1.

As far a brake caliper availability, rules allow update or backdate of components, that would include brakes i think.

If the rules are to change, the fitment approach is the best answer for all. It will survive the test of time witout further changes to the rules. An if so, BRING IT ON, write the letter and get on with it! We will all get over the impact in a short time and go on with our planning.

Better to do it now than to wait. Write the letters to bring the wheel issue to a head..Or is this the letter writing place. Fitment rules already existand that would put an end to this seemingly endless debate.