Historically, the ITAC gets requests like this regularly, and it always seems that there are options. But the writer of the request rejects them for some reason, or isn't aware of them.

This case is troublesome merely because the car has been reclassed. Yea, that's the dick sandwich! Now, lots of guys, (Like Dave Gran) jumped up for joy when they got reclassed. But others who are racing on true shoestrings, find the change troublesome. Usually, there is revenue to be gained from the sale of the old 7" rims to ITA drivers...but, in some cases, the car is so unique the rims have no market. (offset, bolt patter combos)

For this specific reason, I'd support a dual listing of the car for a certain period, say three years.

Otherwise, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And the many already have 8 - 16 rims in the 6" width, plus tires, etc. To change over the entire class is excessive.

Also, Rojer, I can not remember any member of the ITAC stating that there is no difference in performance potential between the widths, or anyone stating that it didn't matter, as you suggest.