I applaud your cautious nature. I understand that this deal came together quickly after the PRI show and I believe the full details will be unveiled at the national convention at the end of January. It is unfortunate that the timing of the 2010 GCR release scooped the official announcement.
I do not have every detail but the national office was able to find a title sponsor for the national racing series. The club will get some sponsorship money, national racers will get some contingency money. Racers running National races will now have to run the series sticker which I am told are free in place of the previously requires Club Racing sticker that we had to pay for. Regional racers may run either the national series sticker that is free or the club racing sticker which they may still buy.
I do not see the problem. Is it not a good thing that SCCA was able to sell a title sponsorship for the national racing series?