There is a fundamental flaw with the SCCA IMO.

You see, its marketed and treated as a "club" that is run by its members and should be a social event as well.

Many, many of the drivers do not care about it being a club, rather they look at SCCA as a provider of track time and a place to race (i.e. - a business)

The fundamental problem I see in the SCCA is we are stuck in a not for profit motive, but no one else beside the insiders see it this way.

It's funny how over time the SCCA seems more and more like it should be run as a business and not as a club, but guidelines prohibit that.

This is the cirlce of doom scenario that I believe we are in. Its not fair to pay volunteers in a "club", but the drivers would rather pay a few extra bucks and have paid people if it means keeping racing going.

Its a catch 22