Quote Originally Posted by jimmyc View Post
whats interesting to me, is that some of the ITAC were not to long ago saying that the "within 100lbs of the proccess weight is fine." which could lead to 200lbs difference in class. Are now saying that 150 or 180 lbs reduction is A LOT and maybe to much?

Really? I realize that after a lot of discussion it seems that the ITAC is working on getting rid of the 100lbs difference, for many years you (the ITAC) were saying that 200lbs difference in weight wasn't a big deal....
Jimmy- It wasn't me!
-History lesson, cliff notes version. I THOUGHT the standard "go no go" was 50 pounds. In other words, when we got a request for adjustment we ran the numbers and if it was within 50, it was left alone. So, the net deviation in any class was 100. I didn't love that, but hey, you fight your battles, and all that.

Then, recently, it's become apparent that it's actually 100. Clearly, something morphed or I just was confused. I guess I thought when they said"within a hundred" I though they were talking "net".

I HATE the 100 pound "go/no go" test.

So, yea, Greg's system is talking (and I understand it's just an 'example') of taking an additional 100 pounds off cars, which i think IS a big deal. And I mean that from both perspectives. If it deserves (for whatever reason) 100 pounds off, it should get 100. but if it doesn't, it sure shouldn't get it.

I'm a guy who thinks that if we have a repeatable process, and keep good records, that when a request comes in to run the process on a car we will have three possible outcomes:

1- Run it. Result is the same as it currently sits. Document.
2- Run it. Result varies because it hasn't been through the process.
Adjust. Document.
3- Run it. Result varies from current weight, which was processed post GR, due to errors/omissions. Investigate, determine if error is current info or past, and if approriate, adjust. Document.