Quote Originally Posted by Ron Earp View Post
Then what the hell does he want to use?
If he doesn't like it then he needs to come up with something better. Pulling numbers out of a hat or basing everything on subjective track performance isn't better.
I think the principles and methodology that the ITAC has developed is absolutely essential. Somehow we've got to get the the CRB to buy into it. Maybe if they have a hand in developing it they'll begin to appreciate it. We probably need to lock the CRB & ITAC in a room for a weekend and let them hash it out. My guess is that the CRB never even tries to look at the big picture of 300+ cars. They always just focus on the one or two of current interest, so they don't realize how much inconsistency they're creating.

I've been wondering if there is room for compromise here. Based on the reports we've gotten, this could probably never happen, but in a perfect world, the CRB could/should provide the "correct" factors to account for in an adjusted calculation. Then a sampling of cars could be run through the new Process (capital P) and subjected to the smell test. Grade the results of various permutations of calculations and pick the one that seems most consistent.