Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
...it does seem that NER will be taking that date.
I'm just sitting here shaking my head. Have we not learned ANYTHING from the Mo-Hud debacle last year? How many times did we (the competitors) tell the organizers last year that we had very little interest in back-to-back-to-back-to-back weekends, especially one at a track that is so expensive to run? And now we're getting two events back-to-back ON THE SAME WEEKEND??? And, having to take ANOTHER day off of work to do it?

Who in the hell are these events being run for? The organizers or the racers?

Whatever. I wish NER luck, but I suggest they ask Mo-Hud to save them a seat at the credit agency...and one at the negotiating table next time they have to ask Tri-Regions for a favor.

Utterly amazing.