+1 to the above!

Learn what you have before you mess with it!

I've watched dozens of new drivers "mess" with their car and make changes spending big $$$ when the best gains would have simply come for practice in the car. Not to mention the changes made are based on things the car is doing with an inexperienced driver. Therefore, many of the conditions they are attempting to correct are often driver induced as a result of said inexperience (no offense )

If you want to spend money and tinker, buy a good data system, like a DL1, and go crazy!!!! You can get a huge tinkering fix just with the base system and the sky is pretty much the limit when it comes to adding sensors and even video... Then you get data to go over after EVERY session! Long story short, a good data system would be the best way to spend your time and money at this point! Running the same system as some of your fellow racers can help a lot too, if they are willing to share data... In the NE, those of us who have data systems almost all have DL1's and share our data freely in the interest of making us ALL faster!

Taking the changes slow will make you a much better driver in the long run. The data will quantify your changes, take better notes than anyone ever could and if you have some experience under your belt you will be more consistent as a driver, which eliminates one variable

The IT7 is a great car!!! No matter how you choose to proceed, have fun and good luck!