Quote Originally Posted by Catch22 View Post
It would seem to me that certain ITAC members are urging us to write many many letters because certain other ITAC members are hiding behind the "The membership doesn't WANT us to change this." tree.

Honestly, there are likely a few people in the club that hold that position, but I'm guessing its a very small number and those folks currently enjoy an advantage under the current format (loose usage of that term).

So write letters requesting that All IT cars should be speced with a goal of getting within 5lbs of their process weight.

Will it work?
I dunno. But some people are giving us a really big hint, so lets take it.

Write your letters. Get your friends to write their letters and have them tell their friends to write them. I'd suggest copy/pasting what I wrote in bold above and sharing it with everyone so things don't get convoluted to the usual "His car whips my ass because its too light" level. That won't accomplish a damned thing.

My letter is in.
Simple it's not, because no one knows how all the different motors now classified respond to a top notch build and if there might be a way to make more. Right now the hp gain on an IT build is a swag, there's no way to get weight assigned to a 5lb window when the output isn't accuratly predictable. I think the classic example is the Chevrolet Monza with a 3.8l Buick V6, stock hp 136. This is an ancestor to the ITR Camero motor that makes 190hp. But no one know what the Monza will do with a good build because no one's running one, so needless to say it's not been touched.