Letter ID Number: #6637
Title: 1984 C4 Corvette Classification
Class: ITR
I would like to request the classification of the 1984 C4 Corvette. Specs are below needed to classify the car per the ITCS:

1984 Chevrolet Corvette
205hp@4300 / 290 lb-ft@2800
Curb weight 3200lbs
Bore and Stroke: 101.6mm x 88.4mm
Intake valve: 1.94”
Exhaust Valve: 1.50”
Compression Ratio: 9.0:1
Wheelbase: 96.2”
Wheel sizes: Base: 16”x8.5” Z51 package: 16”x8.5”F, 16”x9.5”R
Transmission ratios: 4 speed, 2.88, 1.91, 1.33, 1.00
Brake size: 292.1mm F&R (11.5”)
Independent front and rear suspension with transverse leaf springs.

Using the classification process, I would see it playing out like this:
205 x 1.25 x 11.25 = 2882.8 rounded to 2885lbs.

If you care to research these cars, you will find out that they share the ‘cross-fire’ injection with the 1983 C3 L83 cars. Horrible for revs but decent torque. Pre tuned-port-injection. Single year on a single spec line.

We have a build pending the weighting of the car. Thanks.