Jeremy - agreed!

Greg - you are my friend and I am a cowboy :-) But I do bust balls if I don't like something and you get tougher scrutiny on this topic because you are a multi champion and ARRC winner.

I feel strongly that racing for a championship is a big part of the game and a measure of skill. But after ruminating on Greg's position that a myopic focus on the championship can kill the fun, there's truth to that. I remember racing for the NARRC ITS championship in '05 and just pouring $$ into the car, rushing to fix before the next race, racing 10-12 weekends to have enough participation points to even be in the hunt, adjusting on the car between every sesssion - that did kill down a lot of the fun of the race weekend and just enjoing the moment of being at the track.

Being myopic or singularly focused on the championship result - that's a trap I fell into and the hobby was less fun. Realized it, changed my priorities and still ran for championships and won a couple and had WAY more fun. So I believe I understand your position better - that you are not seeking to diminish the value of a championship - your point is a myopic approach to going after a championship can outweigh the moment, the weekend fun with friends. I agree that the merit of the championship is less because of the points format.

What we want to solve for is how to construct a championship that does reward skill and effort and not be a participation trophy like every kid gets on the soccer team - that is meaningless. A championship should demonstrate who was the best driver over the course of a season from results on the podium, not bonus points for attendance.