Quote Originally Posted by tnord View Post
this is the part i don't like. to me this really feels like we're going to just keep taking weight off of certain cars until they start winning, and i think that stinks. there's nothing out there to PROVE that 175 is a better number than 100. the category is stronger than ever, the current?/old? process may miss the target on a couple cars but overall works very well and changing it in this way creates risk. Which i guess basically comes down to how much merit i put in LapSim vs how accurate you guys think it is.
I disagree. I can't explain it any better than I did above. *I* feel there WAS enough information to prove that 175 was better than 100. Seeing as how 100 was a SWAG back in the day doesn't discount it's initial effectiveness but it doesn't mean we can't do better - and we think we have.

One important thing to note on the ebb and flow of the rules process in IT...it may seem unstable to some but because the changes are CATEGORICAL and not individual, there should be some solice in that. Things are looked at on a grand scale, not under a microscope.

In the end, I know that people will be resistant to anything that seemingly takes away a perceived advantage their car, engine, chassis (insert the reason you chose your car here) as it is human nature....but we ARE trying to make things equal. Just not trying so hard that we look at on-track performance and make individual adjustments.