Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
I would think that some substance would be great and I know you and Kirk are passionate about this...suggestions?
Well, if we were to assume a standard opinion (and that would NOT necessarily be a good assumption) then we do need to clarify points.

There's two issues here:

- One, should HNRs be mandatory
- Two, if yes to the above, do they need to conform to SFI?
- Two-point-One: If not, should SCCA require any that are voluntarily used to conform to SFI.

I suggest that if the answer to One is "yes, then Two quickly follows, as SCCA really has no choice but to require a "standard" for "required equipment". So, effectively, a "yes" answer to requiring HNRs is a mandate for SFI cert.

We need to vet this idea thoroughly.