Quote Originally Posted by Chip42 View Post
Greg, wasn't that "clarification" since retracted about swaps between the 99-00 NB and 01-05 NB Miatas which the rest of the world considers to be the same cars with different engines and some minor updates to trim and lights?
Yep, I think you're right. Which is why it was that much more confusing...

...might be nice to have some sort of allowance for better than stock or at least similar to stock matches, as long as you keep the stock knuckle and bearing OD, who really cares?
I suggest that idea is within the general philosophy of the class, as long as modifications to the car are not required to make it fit. If you (or anyone else) can come up with some non-intortuable verbiage, submit it for consideration. Make it snappy if you're looking for implementation for 2014...

- GA