A Post! A Post!

3 month old thread, 386 views, 4 posts, 3 individuals. That's like 1 view every six hours! Seems like a lot of visits!
Greg - Have you considered doing a safety thread, including what you learned from your adventure at VIR?
Not really. Although, I have theories, I'm not clear in my mind what happened or how to prevent it...

However, I am writing up how to manage the post-event medical insurance implications. Learned a lot there...

Still good info in here though. Same questions keep popping up on social media and Ik just point them here...

(Everyone thinks their questions are new and fresh..."why didn't anyone think of this before?")
Man, did I miss this place!

Can we remove the washer bottle? And are RR shocks still not allowed?
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REEEEALLY way back.

We even revived the Prod forum to retain the knowledge.

Everything's gone to social media, so that we can ask it all over again, and again, and again, and again...
It's a good thing you are doing Greg. When did you take it over from Bill?

What's the link to the Prod site? Did you take it over from John, and keep all the registered users? Have you talked to Kirk lately? Please give him my best when you do.

Definitely got nostalgic poking around this place. Have I mentioned how much I hate social media?

I took it over from Darren Lore, don't recall who had it before him. Ron Earp is hosting is on his GT40S site, same as here. We're taking donations to keep both of these running...

There was some data loss from a few years ago, but everything should be there for the most part.

Totally with you on the social media aspect; this works SOOOOO much better for data store/lookup. That's why I'm paying to keep both running.

See you at Prod. If you have any issues with your login and/or password and/or email address PM me here. I see two "Bill Miller" there, one at yahoo and one at miller95.com; I think yours is the yahoo.
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Yes, the yahoo one is mine, although I don't really use that email address anymore. But, it is my OG email address. I remember some guy name John that started it, originally for the H-Prod community. I think his son (also John) went on to race Prod as well.

See you there.