Area 4 Director election


New member
My name is Dayle Frame and I am running for the Director position for Area 4 (OH, MI, IN, KY, WV). I am running because our current leadership seems incapable of letting the membership know what is going on. He doesn't email us with his activities, how he votes, his positions, etc. Nor does he actively seek guidance from his constituents.

I have a wide background of experience within the Club. I've been a worker at Club Racing events in Tech, F&C, Sound, Registration, etc. I've been an event Race Chair. I've served on the WMR BoD for many years (not currently). I am currently Competition manager for the region which means I oversee the various competition programs within the region. I held a National Competition license for 18 years. I currently Solo my daily driver (Chevy Bolt EV) poorly.....but with much enthusiasm. :wink:

I don't have some wild, political agenda.....I just want the membership to know what goes on at the BoD level. We've earned it since we all have skin in the game. Even the most passive member has annual dues. A worker might have travel expenses in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. And, of course, drivers (Solo or Club Racing) will have much more in expenses. With what we have invested, we should be able to know what our leadership is up to. I will do my best to make sure to seek input from the memberships and keep the membership is informed of my opinions on various topics that come before the Board.

More about my campaign can be found at

Thank you for your time and please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me offline at [email protected]

Dayle (259138)