September 2018 Fastrack

OK, I lol'd...

Competitors in P2 and FB are reminded that a stock engine consists of parts that were originally delivered as an OEM unit. A stock engine is NOT an engine made up of stock parts from various engines and different platforms to create an engine that never existed as an OEM unit.
Nothing. They're taking input from membership on the concept.

Don't expect a change like this to happen quickly (if it does at all).
we have a bunch of letters. this is NOT an easy question and all of the arguments from the emotional "this is great!", "I like my hoosiers!", and "those aren't safe!" (which isn't true but perception = reality), etc... to the well thought out attempts at highlighting cost savings and crossover potential, identifying the potential downstream effects, addressing overall club organizational strategy, wheel size / fender issues, those with data etc.... are all being considered.
Just for fun, Could some one explain their reason for not wanting 200 TW tires? Use facts and real cost , not perceived concepts please. Thanks,MM

PS this site also needs some traffic.