Your Thoughts on Mandating 200+TW "Street Tires" in Improved Touring?

Even though I'm double dipping often from ITA to STU or even FP in my POS-325e, I'd think favorably on the proposal. That would "commonize" my tire selection for some other organizations as well.
I think that it may be high time to put IT on street tires. There are other classes such as STL and Limited Prep Production, and Touring that offer much of what Improved Touring used to.

Solo has done the hard work here and my understanding is their rule set works. I am told they have 3 competitive tires. There is a provision to exclude a tire if it is a ringer.

By going to street tires it would be a dramatic cost savings money that could be invested in entry fees.

The IT7 guys I race with run 100tw Nittos and we are getting 5 – 6 weekends. I can only imagine 200tw would add more weekends. We also found that since going to harder tires brakes and bearings and such are lasting longer as well.

SCCA has too many classes that are very similar. Street Tires would differentiate IT.
What if Hoosier offered a 200TW tire...?

I road race because I like going around corners fast. As fast as possible, that's a step backwards using 200 TW tires. If I liked driving fast on street tires I could do that on my way to work with a street car.

I think that it may be high time to put IT on street tires. There are other classes such as STL and Limited Prep Production, and Touring that offer much of what Improved Touring used to.

Solo has done the hard work here and my understanding is their rule set works. I am told they have 3 competitive tires. There is a provision to exclude a tire if it is a ringer.

By going to street tires it would be a dramatic cost savings money that could be invested in entry fees.

The IT7 guys I race with run 100tw Nittos and we are getting 5 – 6 weekends. I can only imagine 200tw would add more weekends. We also found that since going to harder tires brakes and bearings and such are lasting longer as well.

SCCA has too many classes that are very similar. Street Tires would differentiate IT.

It's an idea with merit, though the lack of a good rain tire seemed to be an issue as we saw by the loss of two IT7 cars in the rain at Palmer.

Do 100-200TW race group and keep us away from the spec pinatas and maybe....
It's an idea with merit, though the lack of a good rain tire seemed to be an issue as we saw by the loss of two IT7 cars in the rain at Palmer.
Those had nothing to do with rubber compound. Those were due to being cheap and not swapping to tires that had tread.
I road race because I like going around corners fast. As fast as possible, that's a step backwards using 200 TW tires.

Chris, that's great, looking at your signature line you would still have 3 other categories to race in on DOTs. Plus a forth that i do not know what it is. why not have some differentiation between categories.
It's an idea with merit, though the lack of a good rain tire seemed to be an issue as we saw by the loss of two IT7 cars in the rain at Palmer.

Do 100-200TW race group and keep us away from the spec pinatas and maybe....
Good point in that we would need to have a rain strategy. at Palmer i had rain tires in the trailer but honestly in the 3 year i had raced Palmer I had never seen that much water on the track.
that event also makes me happy i had a defroster and heater core. the two cars that crashed both had visibility problems and could not see the standing water.
Chris, that's great, looking at your signature line you would still have 3 other categories to race in on DOTs. Plus a forth that i do not know what it is. why not have some differentiation between categories.

Someone on the CRB or BOD thought it was a great idea to dump SS and replace it with Touring 4 and Bspec. Not sure we are further a head at this point.

I understand the differentiation of classes part. You could get me to the middle on that. The idea that this will save $ is ridiculous. We got here due to tire wars to compete in a DOT class. All you'd be doing is hitting the reset button and it would start all over again. No thanks
200TW needs to happen in IT. But it could take a long time for the powers that be to do anything new with a class they don't care about.

Soooooo, we should just do it on our own. Scrote Cup can move to 200TW and I suspect take a decent chuck of the active racers in the SE with it. Besides that area, and the NE, there ain't a lot of IT racers anyhow.
200TW needs to happen in IT. But it could take a long time for the powers that be to do anything new with a class they don't care about.

Soooooo, we should just do it on our own. Scrote Cup can move to 200TW and I suspect take a decent chuck of the active racers in the SE with it. Besides that area, and the NE, there ain't a lot of IT racers anyhow.

I'm down!
I am all for street tires.

I want more people to race without going to ITS.

With fprod only being cams away from the current miata, i was wondering why i was racing 2-3 cars in ita vs 2-3 cars in fp with contingency.

Would there be any way to get some street tire mfgs to offer cntingency for regional races?
Someone on the CRB or BOD thought it was a great idea to dump SS and replace it with Touring 4 and Bspec. Not sure we are further a head at this point.

I understand the differentiation of classes part. You could get me to the middle on that. The idea that this will save $ is ridiculous. We got here due to tire wars to compete in a DOT class. All you'd be doing is hitting the reset button and it would start all over again. No thanks

You think going to 200 tires will start a DOT tire war in IT? Now that is funny.