NARRC awards banquet

Save ya some time Ed I emailed or PM'ed a nice little list to see if the NARRC awards were being presented at the NER annual meeting:
1. Dick - "email JB"
2. Rob F - "NFC - isn't it in Feb at the place in Marlboro"
3. JB - "email Chris Mosley"
4. CM - no response after like a week.

At this point our reservations for the hotel at the NER dinner have been cancelled and we have RSVP'ed for a get together with a few college buddies.
I have not forgotten about the NARRC. Have not got any response myself. I am thinking at this point it maybe to late to put something together at the annual NER Meeting. There could be another plan in the works to get the awards out.

Its unfortunate that the NARRC series got to a mere shell of what it was in the 1900's early 2000's. But with that gave rise to the NERRC Championship at 4 tracks all within the New England Region in 2015.

Hopefully the NERRC gains traction as THE series to run in 2015. It certainly has the tracks in place with 4 different types and setup required for each. Not a one size fits all type of series, but a series that requires work to your car to be fast every where.
2014 NERRC=3 tracks...NHIS, LRP, TMS
2014 NARRC=5 tracks...Pocono, NHIS, LRP, WGI, NJMP

Correct and in 2015

NARRC ??????????

NERRC NHMS, Thompson, Lime Rock, Palmer.

And near as I can tell they are all within a few hours of your house. That right there is a HUGE selling point in my mind.

In 2015 there may be 2 more tracks available in the NER boundaries. Weather they are used or not, only time will tell. But with 6 different tracks in NER, that would be 1 rcae per track and no major home track advantages so to speak.

But that will bring another issue into play, Too many races and not enough Racers. Its all about balance.
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Yep, all less than two hours. But for what will likely be my last year of racing, I'm doing Mid-O, WGI, NJMP, maybe Summit or Pitt Race and hopefully Daytona. Steph may do a couple local IT races.
C car will be donating a few things to the H Prod, and then sold, given away or scrapped. B car will be a back up for the H Prod, but needs a lot of freshening...may try to convince Steph to sell it. A car is being put back together after LRP, Steph may run it at Majors as an F Prod, just for fun, but says she is for sure running it at Palmer. H Prod project is coming along.