2014 NERRC final results

We messed up... ok I messed up... It says 2009 on the top of the spreadsheet. Any easy way for you to fix that and re post?

Big congrats to the champions thus part year! Come on it to the awards banquet to tell stories, have some fun, and collect a trophy!! You will most likely get a picture in Pit Talk that you can also share with all your friends and co workers!

Any feedback on NERRC points for next year can be directed towards me. I will tabulate and update everyone at each event!

Congrats on some great competition in 2013!

IT7 had 14 different drivers in 2014! This dinosaur series was hot last year! Can't wait for next session... I need to get in on that.
IT7 2925 SHEPPARD, DAN Mazda RX-7
IT7 1900 SWAN, JB Mazda RX-7
IT7 1675 BUCCELLA, Michael Mazda RX-7

ITA had 22 different drivers With 6 different models of cars running. Although the neon came so close the podium got swept by miatas... well next year be the year of the neon!
ITA 2700 GHATAK, Abhijeet Mazda Miata
ITA 1925 WASILKO, Jeff Mazda Miata
ITA 1775 LAWTON, Jeff Mazda Miata

ITB had 14 different drivers and 6 models of cars... maybe more because I can't keep track of all the different vw cars. Last year was the year for all new track records in ITB with Zack being the fastest guy in the north east getting track records also proved to give him race wins! Who will be the new hot shoe next year... a volvo or an opel gt??
ITB 2775 KELLY, Zachary VW Golf
ITB 1850 WENTWORTH, Nat Volvo 142E
ITB 1625 BLETHEN, Raymond Audi Coupe GT

ITR Had 16 different drivers With 12 or so different models of cars. Tim literally had the fight of his life to win this one and he deserves this championship! Maybe next year it will be a FWD car that takes the podium in ITR??
ITR 2450 DUGAN, Tim BMW 323
ITR 2050 BLETHEN, Stephen Mazda RX8

ITS had 22 different drivers and 8 different models of cars. Mazda swept again this year... What brand will take the top spot next year.?. I think next year could be the year for that fwd car to take the fight.... Yup that is you Mr. Benazik!
ITS 2575 STURGIS, Rob Mazda Miata
ITS 1500 CAPIZZI, Tom Mazda Miata
ITS 1150 BLAKE, Robert Mazda RX-7
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Congrats on some great competition in 2013!

ITA had 22 different drivers With 6 different models of cars running. Although the neon came so close the podium got swept by miatas... well next year be the year of the neon!

Hopefully not. :)

Matt's car is very fast in a straight line. If he gets that car to handle, we are all in trouble.


Exactly, same car. And anyone that would seriously build one of those today is ignorant. Or a fool. Or a fan-boi.

GA, who used to be all three, and was proven correct when, in 2004 (2005?), he predicted he "had one, maybe two years" to get "this s**t done" before people decided to seriously build Miatas for ITA...
I still believe there are other cars out there that can get the job done. Parts, availability, builder knowledge and desire to work on one... Certainly harder.

Cancer fight aside, totally impressed with what Tim Dugan did this season fighting with an ITS car in ITR, AND even more than that, against some top prep built ITR cars with drivers who have TONS of seat time, coaching, can afford to wreck it. Nice job dude. Really nice job.
Not right now Greg. Needed to simplify my life with the little kids and Kessler down the street from me and Miata focus means exactly that. I did the oddball Prelude two year only generation car for too long. If the timing had been right, I absolutely would have purchased Jeff Underwood's Civic when it was up for sale (yes, I know ITB).

I'm target rich because I honestly don't like driving what everyone else is and for some reason often find myself doing things the hard way. Kakashi? Something like that?