Forum Status and Future Direction

I realize that I'm a little late to this. Greg, I know many of the folks that run VWVortex, a REALLY big VBulletin site. I can speak to them and get any tips/pointers/etc. if you or Bill would like. I'll be sending some $$ later.
I realize that I'm a little late to this. Greg, I know many of the folks that run VWVortex, a REALLY big VBulletin site. I can speak to them and get any tips/pointers/etc. if you or Bill would like. I'll be sending some $$ later.

Especially find out how to avoid the meltdown they had when they upgraded. Not sure if it was software or hardware, but they were down for some time while they straightened everything out. A lot of the FAQ/DIY posts didn't fare too well.
Just saw this thread as I'm exploring the new format. Daily visitor but rarely log in and even more rarely post, but appreciate the content and discussions. Donation sent. Hopefully it can be put to good use. Thanks for all you do!

Hi Greg. The new site is looking good, however one thing I can't seem to find is the old quick "Today's Posts" link which I could save as a favorite. I liked that function since it only showed very recent posts rather than a long list of them, some of which haven't been updated in weeks. The "New Posts" doesn't seem to work the same way. Thoughts?
It's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We thought we lost you!!!

Thankyou, mystery webmaster!!

Seriously, there is ton of great data buried in the archives. And there were a bunch of people saddened by the possible loss of the site. Good to be back online
Guys I apologize. I got a couple emails in the last week that confused me. Why were people saying the site wasn't back online?
Well, tonight I realized that the redirect everyone else was seeing was something that I didn't see as as an admin or even when I was using my "test" account. I screwed up.
You all should have seen the site back about 2 weeks ago...but tonight I changed that.

Now.... we are not out of the woods yet. The spamming community has on some sort of "hot list", probably since it has been around since 2000. There is a real possibility that we could get shut down by the web host again if they attack us.

I will have more free time (finally) over the next few weeks and when not spending time with family (or looking for a new house, and a new car, and a myriad of other distractions) I hope to be able to make some changes to assure the future of