Thompson speedway Motorsports Park


New member
Well our last race of the season is here. Oct. 3-5. Friday is a test day with Saturday and sunday our last points event. as well Thompson has reduced there rate for the garage area for the event.the reservation link ( for garages. We have reduced our prices to $100 for two days and $150 for three.
motor sports registration is up. Points have also been updated and put on the NER site. Looks to be a few battles for championships.
Hope to see you all there.

JB Swan
Last race of the year up here in the north east! Come out and play!

JB, any chance of doubling up a bunch of groups and doubling our track time? this is a perfect chance for NER to go above and beyond and think of the consumer and give back by changing the schedule.

Don't listen to those that say it can't be done... it can! One example is sticking miatas and STL with IT. An easy way to increase car counts in the group to create more racing and less "track day lapping" while doubling the track time

Thanks for considering it,
Aren't there enough Miata with IT as it is? I do NOT want to be in there with SM. In fact, that would be the tipping factor to head to the Glen.
We have 22 in the IT group and 11 in the sm stl group. Even if we did a split start and got TWICE the track time you would still go to the Glen? I was thinking we would lose two double dippers but they would probably be happy since they are getting the same track time and saving money. The region doesn't really lose because it's only like $400 bucks in entry (unless you and a lot of others opt out) but as drivers we can get a ton more track time. Interesting discussion, I would love feedback from a lot of people! Even if your not going to Thompson fell free to post your thoughts.

This is all theoretical speaking anyways,

Combine groups 2 and 8 and have 10 open wheel cars in one race

Combine Group 1 with group 5 and have the 4 SM cars run with the IT group

We cant put big bore with any one UNLESS we start getting real creative and upset the apple cart with SRF and SSM SM2 STL STU E F HP GTL.

That seems to be the best way to combine them. And what do we get in return? An hour in the timeline, and a whole lot of complaints from some drivers who are now feeling persecuted against because they do or do not drive, or want to drive with Miatas. Its the reality of it, Miatas are here to stay. But lets not forget one thing, Miatas dont crash cars. Miata Drivers Crash cars.

In theory.........
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well couple days away. if you plan on coming down to spectate we actually could use some worker help. seams to be on the lite side.
The overall event seems to be on the lite side. Only 37 for the test day at that pricing?

Surprised to see these numbers. Only 4 in ITA? :( Competition of the Glen? Cars and/or drivers done for the year?
I'm out due to suspension "issues" from the NHMS race that I haven't been home long enough to fix. I wish I was going to be there but this is literally the first week I've been home since then.

2014-09-07 13.32.23.jpg

I guess this means Abhi will have to either hit Jeff or Dave. :blink:
I'm out due to suspension "issues" from the NHMS race that I haven't been home long enough to fix. I wish I was going to be there but this is literally the first week I've been home since then.

I guess this means Abhi will have to either hit Jeff or Dave. :blink:

I am going to be running the Glen on Saturday and then start at the back of the field at Thompson on Sunday. Throwing on some sticky A6 tires and going for it. Car is going in for body work and paint after this weekend.
I doubt I will catch up to either of them, but will give it my best shot. :cavallo:

BTW, Here is the video from Rob Sturgis' car. It shows your suspension "malfunction" and ensuing spin at the 9min 45 second mark. You really got Bob Demers' attention there.
7min 05 seconds is where we were bouncing off each other.

I doubt I will catch up to either of them

Hmmmm. Maybe it won't be such a challenge catching up to me. ;) Will depend upon who I can pester and keep up with in the field, such as Stephen. Unlike you, my plan is NOT to bring the car to the body shop. Just got through with that. May start back there with you. No fresh As though.

At LRP, I used sticker As. One heat cycle and they got destroyed. Towards the end, it sure made the car slide even after I took some slower laps hoping to cool them off. Maybe they have one more cycle on them left, but two tires are questionable. Just food for thought Abhi.
Dave, on my tires I am running (15+ heat cycle R7) I plan to be in the high 21's. Obviously rain will change that...

I think would have a good race together! And yes NO bodywork :-)

Starting Friday morning this weekend at Thompson we will be using B Paddock for grid. we will not be in the oval. please pass along to those who may not look on here.
