It would be nice

Ed Funk

New member
If the no talent sock tucker who started the pinball game at LRP today had the decency to step up and at least apologize to the MANY people who came away with badly damaged cars. I have my suspicions. One of the first things you're SUPPOSED to learn is "ya can't win the race in the first corner".
I have front camera only....everything happened behind me. I got hit right rear an spun, then again right rear and bent sub-frame and tore off rear bumper, then light glancing hit left side, then right front. Pretty much it felt like everyone behind me either hit me or went in the grass to avoid hitting me. And many of those hit each other out in the grass. All because some idiot thinks he can win it all in the first corner and be a hero. Actually is a zero.
Review of the in my right 6" convex, a blue and white Miata with stars on the hood was rubbing doors with Denice and then one of them did the initial tag and spin on me. Will try to post the video to vimeo and link it here. Need in car from others
Review of the in my right 6" convex, a blue and white Miata with stars on the hood was rubbing doors with Denice and then one of them did the initial tag and spin on me. Will try to post the video to vimeo and link it here. Need in car from others

How bad is the car?
Will you be able to fir it and go to the Glen?

It's fixable, rear sub-frame is partially torn away from the frame machine type way for the Glen.
Who has the blue nose/white rear Miata with what looks like a star on the hood? He broadsided Denise and started everything.
Who is it???
Video to follow.
Damn Steph. Would love to see more video. Wonder if that Miata had video, but think not. He's the one who protested Denise; not vice versa. Denise has video, but according to Stewards it doesn't show enough either.
I am pissed. Seriously pissed. There was absolutely no reason for that bullshit. I don't know yet who triggered it, but I will find out. I would have thrown paper if I could have laid my hands on anything conclusive at the track yesterday. I am sick and tired of having to hear, "Oh, that's racing." No it's not. That's being crappy driver with no clue what you are doing. "That's racing" is stuff like when two drivers going hard at it touch, like Jon Leitner and Joe Boruch did yesterday. Incidents happen. This was not an incident. This was a bowling ball in a china shop. Tell me why we have to hear over and over, "Oh, watch out for so and so, they're erratic/reckless/aggressive/will punt you." Why? What is the point of the contact impound if the frequent flyers get a pass every time?
It looks like that Miata drifted out and touched denise at big bend... then dominoes. at least that is what I see on Greg's video.
The person driving the R/W/B Miata has stated that the cause of the incident was Denise making a hard right into him trying to take away his apex.
The video from Denise's car shows no manuevers at all through that turn. She was behind and slightly to the right of Ed when her car take a solid hit from the right and shoves her to the left. Her turn was even, smooth, with no sudden movements right or left until she was hit.
Looks to me like the Miata make a sudden move left. Did he get off the right edge of the pavement and get into a tank slapper? Then he hit Denise who hit Ed...

Is Denise's video posted anywhere? It almost looks like she was damn near into Ed before the Miata moved over...there wasn't a whole lotta wiggle room in there. And someone wiggled.

The "Miata in question" makes a sudden move to the left. It looks like either something broke or he caught the edge of the pavement like GA said.
I love the courtesy of waving at the RX-7 just after it hits you. My friends make fun of me for waving too much, but that's going above and beyond.
The question is what created the sudden movement of the Miata. It seems unlikely it was Denise as in the :29 frame she appears to be too far away from him. It also appears to me that the Miata is NOT on the curbing when viewing this on a very large screen.

DVB's video will tell a lot.