SM 2 rules link Please?

SSM seems past it's prime up here. it was created in response to the first SM national rule set which allowed more modification that the local rules. car counts have diminished here.

WDC region I think went to a sealed motor rule locally for SSM and that may have given them different results.

SM2 is just about people feeling that they can not compete in SM without a 99
SSM is extremely popular in WDCR.

A friend of mine has an SSM car in the N.E. and hasn't been too motivated to race due to the very low car counts.
Due to the lack of competitiveness, The southern 1.6 cars are going Chumpin. as they are worth about 5000$. I would like them to play a little more with SCCA.
Maybe SM 2 would help.
SSM is freaking huge in WDCR. 40 car fields are the norm, not the exception. It gives all the owners of 1.6 cars a place to go play. I've truly enjoyed the last five years I've spent playing in that particular sandbox. That being said, now that I dun blowed up the motor I'm investigating the possibility of a 1.8 ITA swap just to expand the list of places where I can play with a reasonable shot at being competitive.
Ohhhh! Do it!! Then bring that car up to LRP, Thompson and the Glen. ;)

Outside of WDCR, the advantage I see of going the SM2 route vs SSM is the SM2 is really an SM car. The benefit of that is future sales amount that can be received, and regardless of what people say, it can be a competitive car in SM especially on certain tracks (assuming similar build prep and driver talent).
Considering what happened the last time I ran there, I'm not in any rush to be going back to LRP.

Hell yes. Ran the car two weeks later at Summit with EMRA to renew my race license. Still racing that car - it's in my avatar. Props to zchris who did the cage.
Jason, funny.
Rob, surely you aren't blaming the TRACk for that, are you??? SOME of us have lots of miles and our roofs are unscathed...;)
Oh no, I'm not blaming that on the track at all. Just a combination of trying to get down the hill without lifting and a outer tierod failure. Simultaneously. However, this did teach me A Important Racing Lesson, to wit: if you're going to do something Truly Stoopid, do it directly in front of your wife. It simplifies the explanation process that way. There's no "Honey, about the racecar..." telephone call.

But since I've never been a fan of LRP it makes it easier to avoid the place. Convenient excuses and all that.

And yes, GTF, the hair fits.