Daytona Double SARRC


New member
First, for those that may be interested, I have found the results from this past weekends event have been posted on the CFR site.

Secondly, I have been in contact with the Chief Steward of the event the past few days and he informed me this morning of some good news for all of the competitors that had their Sunday afternoon races cancelled (groups 3-6). It's mentioned in the above link also but essentially if you qualified for the Sunday race, your qualifying position will be posted as your official finishing position. This will include SARRC points and will also credit toward SIC eligibility if needed.

I'm just relaying the information, if I'm wrong. :shrug: See below.

[FONT=&quot]Striving to NOT become the messenger who would be killed![/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
I noticed that there were no results for the later groups on Sunday. Why were the races cancelled?
Jay, I also saw that you were not in the qualifying or race results for Saturday. What's up with that?
Will, the races were cancelled because the rain & lightning delays we had after lunch took a lot of time off the schedule. It had essentially stopped raining raining when the announcement was made but there was definitely more rain coming. I'm sure everybody would have preferred to race but with the lightning around I think they made the right decision.

As for Saturday, I had every intention of being there both days but Friday AM my boss 'asked' me to work on a job Saturday. I could have said no but considering I wrote the work order for the techs I kind of needed to be there.
I just received an email this morning regarding some of the comments I made in my original post. Seems that I was incorrect about the points deal. No SARRC points will be awarded to those that had their races cancelled that afternoon. The race credit toward the SIC eligibility requirements however, will be.

Additionally the CFR will be giving those that did qualify but had their race cancelled a $50 credit toward any future CFR club racing event, to be used within the next 12 months. With the option of applying that $50 credit toward the CFR worker fund...which is not a bad idea seeing as the region will also match that $50 toward the fund!

So, no points but at least now I'm qualified to run the SIC!