Very well written.

My only comment is that I really hope that 'people with Sentras' aren't so short sighted that they are staying away because of Miata DD's. Maybe the sheer quantity of cars on grid is intimidating to some drivers who might want to take a shot at STL but to not join a class that interests them because of a group of cars that is slower than they should be is not the kind of driver that will sustain the long-term health of any class.

STL has had 2-3 years to cook. If you take out SM's you are left with the core STL class. What numbers are being drawn? Maybe the real answer here is that nobody is building real STL cars because of a couple purpose-built Miata and the perception that nothing else can ever compete - and it's stunted the growth of the class. If this is a viable concept, then maybe future growth can be seen without 'sports cars'.

What would be a total bummer (and part of this proposed 'solution') is to send some of these members 'investments' down the toilet.