Wink or Convex mirror?


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Wink vs Convex mirror. FIGHT!



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Used both but also prefer the convex. One of the Winks I had was too close (because of the cage I couldnt mount it further away) and I had trouble seeing all of the panels
First race car I used a Wink. I liked it fine. Fpr my current car I bought one and it just didn't work for me. I found a convex one and mounted it to the stock mount and it works great.
Ever had a wink panel come unglued in the middle of a corner? Somewhat in WTF was that?!!? That said, we've had winks in all our cars....except the one Steph took to Thompson a couple weeks ago. Had taken the wink out of it so the cage guy could make brackets in the proper place in the HP build. Forgot to put it back in! She didn't like it that way! Found a speed shop close that had a wide convex, she liked that and seems to prefer it over the wink. We use 6 inch truck convex mirrors for the side mirrors and love 'em.
Convex mirror in mine. wish I had a different one. Depth perception is crap, so it's hard to tell is someone is near my rear corner or beside me.
worry about the guy in front of you not behind, once he gets his nose next to your door panel you'll know that he is coming and then you can react.
i miss my wink mirror!! but i think it is subject to different cars. i have a convex in the bimmer and i cant see crap out of it but llike mickey most of the cars are in front of me so i dont really use it much. But when we get put into big bore i use it a lot trying to figure out what is coming up on me at an alarming pace!
i miss my wink mirror!! but i think it is subject to different cars. i have a convex in the bimmer and i cant see crap out of it but llike mickey most of the cars are in front of me so i dont really use it much. But when we get put into big bore i use it a lot trying to figure out what is coming up on me at an alarming pace!

I agree with Tim. I have had a wink in the car and small (slightly) convex bike mirrors on each side for many years. I even got some grief about the side mirrors when I started using them, but they're great for seeing close beside the car. You just can't see any distance behind you with a convex mirror. I tried one for a race last year and immediately went back to the Wink. If you're in a mixed group with big differences in lap times, the sooner you can see who's coming up to lap you, the better. Passing flags are obviously very helpful but are usually displayed at a corner and that can be too late when you're in a battle. Trust me, I know. When I know who's coming up behind me I can usually effect where I get passed without screwing up my lap time too much or interfering with my race. And sometimes that passing car can be a big advantage for getting by that guy you've been chasing down. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it!
