Quote Originally Posted by jumbojimbo View Post
Heck, we don't think any IT cars are being built. So you are saying that way to build interest in IT is to allow cars already built to a different ruleset to run in our category? I'm not sure I'm seeing that. If we have a decent turnout of ITA cars, then yeah, maybe SM2 cars are interested because they have something to race against. But if there aren't any ITA cars, then why not just create SM2 and be done with it? And if there aren't any SM2 cars, then why are we even talking about this?

Perception is going to be one big issue allowing SM2 cars into ITA. the SM2 cars are going to think they are slow and being screwed and/or the existing ITA cars are going to think the SM2 cars are fast and they are getting screwed. Best case, one group is going to be unhappy and unmotivated to show up and get smoked (in their mind), worst cast BOTH groups think this.
Sure they are. I'm aware of at least 5 ITS cars being built/under construction in the SEDiv.

All depends on competition.