Memorial Day NHMS 2014


New member
Well it is time to go racing. Registration is open on we should have the school registration open shortly.
Am I the only one who cant access the sups??
Kinda sad when we can lump all of the IT classes into one run group. In all the years I've been running IT I've never seen that happen at LRP or NHMS..........
How is the $25/session going to work with the test day? Pay for how many you think you will use?
Would anyone notice if I entered IT7?
How is the $25/session going to work with the test day? Pay for how many you think you will use?

You buy what you think you'll use, and if you have extra at the end of the day you can take them back to registration and get a refund. it's a really nice system.
we consolidated run groups to try to get another group in. BMW or one of them. but no one wanted to. the decision was made to extend each group a bit. LRP and Thompson will have the same run groups as last year. we will try to fix the supps problem.
Registered! I'm kind of a NHMS newb, I haven't raced there yet. Looking forward to getting the car out for the season.
Registered! I'm kind of a NHMS newb, I haven't raced there yet. Looking forward to getting the car out for the season.

Whoo Hoo!! Good to see a non Miata ITA car sign up!!

Me thinks they may have to split Group 2 up a little............ Maybe ITB or ITS/ITR with one of the smaller Miata groups? Was it group 3 that only had 3 cars so far??
Whoo Hoo!! Good to see a non Miata ITA car that we can all gang up on!!
Sez the guy that sold his non Miata ITA car...and bought a Miata ITA car... ;)

Me thinks they may have to split Group 2...Was it group 3 that only had 3 cars so far??
What, you want to gang up on the Formula B cars now...?

GA, so far the sole non-Miata in his entire group...demonstrating that we should work toward creating another group for Miatas to play in...
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think we found the run group to watch...

Class Totals: IT7: 9, ITA: 13, ITB: 6, ITR: 4, ITS: 2, T4: 1

Let's see...

35 cars on track of varying speeds
First race of the season with most of us shaking off the cobwebs
Group 2 with a slightly cold damp track in the morning

What could possibly go wrong ????

I think I will hold off on getting the car painted until after this event.

Let's see...

35 cars on track of varying speeds
First race of the season with most of us shaking off the cobwebs
Group 2 with a slightly cold damp track in the morning

What could possibly go wrong ????

I think I will hold off on getting the car painted until after this event.


Only 6 potentially just signed off!