New Member - Ford Fiesta ITD - Midwest

Thanks Chris. I was unable to bring everything back with me due to limited space. He is going to keep everything stored for me. I hope to make a trip back there later this year to gather the remaining items up.
Drove her for the first time today. A couple of minor things to complete and then in the trailer for next weekends driver school.

Great weekend. Couldn't ask for better weather. Rebecca did a great job. She said she almost gave up as she was so overwhelmed by all the information being provided. It all came together in the last few sessions and she felt very good about her progress.


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When I have instructed I usually tell my student that's what's going to happen as part of my introduction. Sensory overload is what I call it. Once you figure out the racing line and dealing with traffic it gets easier. Then it doesn't feel so overwhelming. Just tell her everyone experiences it at their first school. It only gets easier from here.

She looked good out there. At the end of the day I did talk to some of the instructors working the event and they all had good things to say. Looking to sharing the track with her.
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As I shared with you in an e-mail, Scott, Rebecca did a great job. Looking forward to getting back out there and dicing somemore this year. And Jim, thanks for instructing on such an odd date. I was really pleased with the turn out, considering, and what a strange sensation to wake up at an almost empty race track on Easter.

Chris McNicol
#92 ITD Ford Fiesta
#92 HP Ford Fiesta
I suggest putting the OEM lifts back on the hatch. The stick routine can be painful (as in getting clunked in the head)learned from experience!!

Nice craftsmanship.
Sweet cars- hate the brakes tho.
The fastest way to improve the racing line and general on track performance is to have the instructor ride along. Add a muffler, get a comunicator and run the driver at some PDX events. Even run a few Autocross with both of you and see how each of you differs and performs.
NASA does this but the SCCA schools dont yet.
As my son gets faster, we drive the car for 3-4 laps and switch seats, shake and repeat. When he started he knew a lot, now he knows that we can all go faster each day.Every day.
When you get the driver sorted, send me an email for a free copy of my book, just cuz you have a Fiesta.
Sweet cars- hate the brakes tho.
The fastest way to improve the racing line and general on track performance is to have the instructor ride along. Add a muffler, get a comunicator and run the driver at some PDX events. Even run a few Autocross with both of you and see how each of you differs and performs.
NASA does this but the SCCA schools dont yet.
As my son gets faster, we drive the car for 3-4 laps and switch seats, shake and repeat. When he started he knew a lot, now he knows that we can all go faster each day.Every day.
When you get the driver sorted, send me an email for a free copy of my book, just cuz you have a Fiesta.

Thank you very much. Also, greatly appreciate the book offer.

Well I was successful yesterday and received novice license. Man oh man am I rusty. Felt like I was fighting the car and therefore the smooth is fast concept was not on my plate. My better half was running better times. She was running smooth. Race tomorrow with 3 Fiesta's and a Festiva. Should be real fun. I am going to focus on getting some rhythm and smooth it out. I will update tomorrow evening. Thanks again.
"3 Fiesta's and a Festiva" ??? take a picture please. That has to be the most baby fords together ever.
Phil you can have a copy anytime . Only one got printed maybe as it is a PDF file.
"3 Fiesta's and a Festiva" ??? take a picture please. That has to be the most baby fords together ever.
Phil you can have a copy anytime . Only one got printed maybe as it is a PDF file.

And to think they is actually another one in the area whose owner recently went to FF's. I will make sure to get a picture or two.
"3 Fiesta's and a Festiva" ??? take a picture please. That has to be the most baby fords together ever.
Phil you can have a copy anytime . Only one got printed maybe as it is a PDF file.

Great Sunday of racing at Black Hawk Farms Raceway. 4 ITD cars in class and all finished. What a blast.



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