AKA "going faster in a FWD car."

Been doing it for three decades, dude. Gotta trust us on this one...Fiestas (and Golfs, and Integras, and Neons) ain't RWD, rear-engined Porsches.

But I encourage you to investigate, develop, and test the world's best-handling FWD car while working to keep both rear tires on the ground. Make it work and the world will beat a path to your door.

I wish you the best in your endeavors.

For the rest of us non-super-humans...lifting the rear tire is perfectly normal.

GA, who recognizes the rear tires on a FWD car have two basic, primordial purposes: keeping the gas tank from sparking on the ground, and making it look better on the used-car lot. And no, I didn't make that up myself, someone a lot smarter did...