Forum Upgrade Status

Greg Amy

Mr Webmaster has been playing around with some of these new VB versions and is now familiar with their idiosyncrasies. Step One will be to upgrade the site from 3.8.2 to 3.8.7 Patch v3 ... that fixes some things that might cause issues upgrading to 4.x

It's likely that we'll lose a lot of the formatting and many of the images. Also, the "Garage" and image Gallery may no longer work. But the focus here will be to preserve the core forum posts and later we can always make it look pretty again, including adding back the Garage & Gallery (it's all backed up). may see intermittent outages over the next few days and through the weekend. We've added a global banner on the home page to remind you.

you may see intermittent outages over the next few days and through the weekend. We've added a global banner on the home page to remind you.


Best of Luck !!!:eclipsee_steering:
I'm going racing. you kids better have this mess cleaned up by the time I get home, or we're gonna have a serious problem. :P

Good luck with the upgrades!
Welcome to the new world...Mr Webmaster will get the original root page back in tonight and reopen the site for registrations. - GA
I just came back to this tab after 30 minutes or so, and it had timed out, requiring me to log in again. On the old site, I stayed logged in as long as I left the tab open. Is this a temporary glitch, or how the new version will work?
We're in an interim status; note that it's the default vBulletin stuff? Other than the data, nothing will be the same once we're done.

What Terry said.. updating the new version then finding all the little 'gotchas' will take a while to sort through. Thanks for the hard work and keep it up!
I know it's a thankless job, and you guys are doing great.

I'd say thanks, but then it wouldn't be thankless anymore, so, um, you know...