DC Region Drivers School - only $199 w/ deep race discounts


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The DC Region SCCA lowers the barriers AND the cost of obtaining your comp license!

Have we got a deal for you! SCCA has announced a streamlined Permit-to-License process for 2014 to get you into the game faster than ever, and the Washington DC Region is offering a series of incentives to make that process even smoother - and easier on your wallet.

FIRST, the longest running, most respected SCCA drivers school in the Northeast Division is scheduled for March 29-30, at rollback pricing - only $199!! That's $150 less than the next closest school in the division. For you SE Division folks, that's going to be before the 1st event at VIR, and for you Northern folks that'll be before the entire NE Division schedule and before all Chump & LeMons races. Those who race with the marquee clubs, other organizations, as well as those SCCA races who want a refresher course are welcome.

SECOND, any novice permit holder who completes the DC Region's 2014 school will pay just $199 for each of the region's first three MARRS events at Summit Point (April 12-13, June 21-22, and July 12-13, 2014)! Nobody else can match that!

THIRD, get a jump start on the season and a leg up on the drivers' school with the Performance Driving Experience (PDX) March 15-16. Any novice permit holder who attends both our March PDX and our Drivers' School will receive a $100 refund from the region.

Registration is NOW OPEN! Get everything you need right here:


Questions or comments? Contact
Tom Broring, Drivers' School Chief Instructor: [email protected]
Elizabeth Miller, Race Chair for Drivers' School: [email protected]
Travis Dixon, PDX Chair: [email protected]

Are licensed drivers allowed in the school? I was thinking of running a few events down at Summit this year and wanted to learn the track.

Yes, licensed racers are welcome, but I think you may need prior approval. Licensed racers won't get the discount on MARRS events, however.

Best to send a quick email to Tom Broring, our chief instructor. His email is listed in the first post.
Holy crap! Now this is the way to do it.

Any idea how many are novices versus existing license holders? If you haven't already, the WDCR should make SCCA national aware of this and they should write it up on their Inside Line publication for other regions to take note. Well done.
Apparently DLB had some issues this morning and thought it was not 1999, but 2005. Everything's back to normal now but the entries are down a bit from 70...we're actually at about 30.
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Still great but the other was amazing! Any idea how many of those already have licenses?

Now that I'm not looking at people who went to school in 2005? :happy204:

The only names I recognize are from our PDX program (incl. our chief instructor), a steward, and a 2-time National Solo champ. None appear to be current license holders.
Just a quick reminder that drivers school is in two weeks. It's not too late to register for the longest running, most respected and biggest value in drivers schools on the east coast.
Apparently DLB had some issues this morning and thought it was not 1999, but 2005. Everything's back to normal now but the entries are down a bit from 70...we're actually at about 30.
And with two days left to go, we're currently at 68 entries. I believe just two are currently licensed drivers.

And if any of the usual Summit Point ground hogs show their faces (or tails), I can't guarantee that someone isn't going to exact revenge for our extended winter.
quite the event. cold, windy, pouring rain and driving snow...all weekend. we now have a batch of new racers that will be better in rain races than half the experienced drivers out there!

there were actually racers with no wipers that had to come through the pits every few laps to have the snow/ice cleared from the windshield!
Now that's a Driver's School after my own heart. :023: Of the twenty one schools that I headed, only one was liquid free and only one had snow. But none had pouring rain and driving snow.
Rain racers rule!
Those who attended this school got more wet weather seat time in one weekend than I have gotten in the last five years. Even with the torrential weather there was a minimal number of metal to metal incidents.

Thanks to the workers for standing outside in all of this so that the drivers could go play!