I think that now Dave is in ITA, he's a little worried he's gonna lose the race to grid for qualifying!

I am one of those that likes to be out in the front for qualifying. Many times you can get 3 plus laps of clear track. And I've never seen it congested or heard anyone complain. But I've NEVER blocked anyone on the out lap and have NEVER seen that happen except at the first IT Fest race at Mid Ohio. Apparently there was an unspoken rule about the regulars there dictating the out lap pace......... but it would have been nice if they let the rest of the grid know........... it created some VERY dangerous situations.......

Hmmmmmmm, isnt there some video of qualifying at the Run Offs where there was an incident <he says, stirring the pot>

I dont see it as a problem in NER......... But maybe because 3/4 of the ITA/IT7 group are a bunch of slackers and can barely get to grid before the one minute................. Man, I crack myself up!!

I cant wait for the season to start...........
