The Devil in the Dark 2014

Terry Hanushek

New member
The Jersey Racing Board (Northern New Jersey and South Jersey Regions) and New Jersey Motorsports Park announce the fifth running of The Devil in the Dark 12 Hour endurance race on NJMP's Thunderbolt Circuit. The 2014 edition will be held on Saturday, 26 April 2014 and will again run from noon to midnight. There will be an SCCA Test Day on Friday, 25 April for 12 Hour competitors and other closed wheel cars.

This race is a continuation of the successful events run in the past four years. The format and rules will be very similar to last year with a no major changes from previous years' events. The open refueling rule is being retained as well as the consolidated endurance classes introduced in 2012. There may be some fine tuning of the endurance classes. If you missed The Devil last year, be sure to put it on your calendar for this year.

The entry package will be posted on the DLB online registration system in a week or so. Registration will open on 1 February 2014.

More participants, more fun in 2014!


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This year for the first time ChumpCars and LeMons conforming to the NJRRS LeChump rules will be eligible for The Devil in the Dark. This is an ideal opportunity for teams to participate in an SCCA 12 hour day-night enduro.

If you have any questions on eligibility or licensing, please feel free to contact me - THanushek at rcn dot com

Hope to see ya at the The Devil

I have seats in a Spec Miata or the whole car available for rent for the 12 hour race. This is the car I qualified on pole with for the Summer Thunder race. 1:35.0. This car also won the Pro IT championship. I can take care of everything, prep, tires, fuel, crew etc. just show up. If your interested, email me at kevin at techsportracing dot com
Kevin Anderson
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Didn't realize you also had 2 RX8's. We should get all them out on track together some time, maybe at the Devil in the Dark :)

I dont think the rx8s will see the devil in the dark, but they are available if i can put drivers in them. I would like to get the SM on track in the devil though. I will have one of the 8's at Pocono in May. I am looking to focus more on testing in the spring then events. It is important to me that the cars do what they are supposed to before they show up at a race.
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The Draft Schedule and Supps for The Devil in the Dark have been posted on DLB . Registration is scheduled to open on 1 February.

The most significant change for 2014 is an adjustment in the Endurance Classes to spread the eligible cars more evenly over the five classes. The three LeChump classes for ChumpCar and LeMons have been added this year. A new NEDiv class - Spec Miata Tire (SMT) - for Spec Miatas with a wider selection of tires has also been added.

There is no change to the race operations or procedures.

Hope to see ya at The Devil

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Thank you Terry!!! I'm very excited for this race, I got hooked last year and am with a new team this year... Driving, crewing or spotting, this will be a blast!

Am I correctly seeing, or not seeing actually, that there is no provision to run a street tire and drop a class this year?

The use of street tires in the next lower class was an experiment last year which will continue into this year. We are trying to get the right balance so that a street tired car is competitive without being an overdog - the normal racing conundrum.

As soon as you sign up with the RST team, Raymond and Stephen will be ready to go again this year with their Direzzas. :)

I am willing to talk with interested teams. Again, as last year, the number of teams participating in the experiment will be limited.

Lookin forward to seein ya at The Devil

My plan is to run as an LCCx car. It's the 'easy button' in terms of being on street tires. Rules state you have to prove the car has competed in a LeChump race though, I've got one race in the log book with Chump.


The use of street tires in the next lower class was an experiment last year which will continue into this year. We are trying to get the right balance so that a street tired car is competitive without being an overdog - the normal racing conundrum.

As soon as you sign up with the RST team, Raymond and Stephen will be ready to go again this year with their Direzzas. :)


I don't think running "down 1 class" is the best option, and that is the feedback we gave after the test. We were the fastest car in E3 and only because of the extra pit stops did we finish outside the top 3 in class. A reduction in weight is my suggestion... just not sure how much and I don't think we have the ability to test that since we can't get down to ITR weight as it sits.

If you would like to do the event, which in my opinion was an awesome event you can do it with us for $2200 in the RX8. We did 1:35's last year with Mr. Foley behind the wheel on street tires! He was the fastest car after dark as well!

PM me for more details...
Soooo.... The Chumpcar World Series is racing the EXACT same weekend as us at NJMP? that is a strange pairing... intentional? How can we take advantage of this since their day ends at 4PM and we race into the night... We need to get ALL of them over to our race to watch us and party :)


PS: Terry, I also cannot figure out how to register on the devil in the dark website... I hit register and it just refreshes the screen. Am I missing a step or is it not working?
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PS: Terry, I also cannot figure out how to register on the devil in the dark website... I hit register and it just refreshes the screen. Am I missing a step or is it not working?

I think the problem may be the Captcha (human verification). I failed the first time I tried to set up a new account but got it the second time. When it failed, it returned the blank registration screen and no message.

Give it another try and if it doesn't work I'll ask Darrell and Matt to look into it.

Thanks for info guys!! Good work Terry and company, can't wait!!

Also: I will be working with Entropy Racing this year. We have seats (and whole cars) available for the race, some details below, call/contact me for more.

"Entropy Racing brings its years of endurance experience, with a nearly perfect finishing record and puts it to work for you. With a reliable, fun, competitive car, you can concentrate on the driving, we will take care of the rest.

Even with an excellent reliability record, we bring spare cars to help ensure that no one gets to go home early. We buy the entry fees, tires and fuel, bring the crew, hospitality and even our own coaches, just bring yourself and your gear. One price, everything included, even the test day.
One car is full, currently filling the second one. Accepting driver teams and individual drivers.

Contact Us:
570-682-9666 ask for Chris or Charlie
[email protected]"

These cars are a blast, I just starting racing them last year and I am hooked, come join the fun!!
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I'm glad to see that you are helping Charlie at Entropy. I'm looking forward to the yellow cars returning to The Devil in the dark.

There is a very real possibility that all three generations of Spec Racer will compete in this year's event. That would definitely be a first for this venerable class.

Looking forward to seeing ya at The Devil

Earlybird Deadline Approaching

The Earlybird entry deadline for The Devil in the Dark 2014 is Noon on Friday, 21 February. Entries submitted before the deadline are eligible for the discounted entry fee.

See ya at The Devil

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Since Kirk has announced........... I'll be there with Kirk and team! Really looking forward to it. It's been a long time since I've run an enduro..........