Lurkers Beware!

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Greg Amy

As part of this upgrade, we are going to "go postal" on purging unused accounts. As of the last dump we had 14,782 users. If I filter out any user with posts of 1 or fewer, and lastpostID of zero*, that purges 10,983 users. As I scroll through that list of 10,983 a lot of spammers pop out. Yes, there's possibly some legit users in there, but Mr Webmaster and I are of the mindset that we need to clear out these extraneous users for this upgrade as easily as possible, and if someone is not posting, well, they'll just have to re-create their ID. After all, it's not like they have a postcount to save...

So if you're a long-time lurker and wish to retain your UserID and sign-on date, feel free to use this thread to make a couple posts and you'll be saved...otherwise, feel free to re-create once we make the move (no ETA right now, will advise).


*"LastPostID", as you can imagine, refers to the ID of the last post, the number at the end of the URL when you select a post. Users with a post count of zero should have a zero lastpostid, however if a spammer posted and we deleted the post, the user would have a postcount of 1 but a 0 lastpostid.

There are 274 users with "posts of 1 or 0" and lastpostid of "not 0"; those for the most part appear legit.
Someone PM'd me:

Is there a way for us to check on our status (post counts) before the great purge takes place? I tried to search on my posts, but came up empty (I know it has been a while, but I have posted in the past.)

Two ways.

One, look in your user CP. Click your name (upper right corner) then select the "Statistics" tab. You'll see your total post count there at the top.

Two, you can look yourself up (and compare in rank) by looking at the Member's List. Sort by "Posts" to see the Chatty Cathys... ;)
As part of this upgrade, we are going to "go postal" on purging unused accounts. As of the last dump we had 14,782 users. If I filter out any user with posts of 1 or fewer, and lastpostID of zero*, that purges 10,983 users. As I scroll through that list of 10,983 a lot of spammers pop out. Yes, there's possibly some legit users in there, but Mr Webmaster and I are of the mindset that we need to clear out these extraneous users for this upgrade as easily as possible, and if someone is not posting, well, they'll just have to re-create their ID. After all, it's not like they have a postcount to save...

So if you're a long-time lurker and wish to retain your UserID and sign-on date, feel free to use this thread to make a couple posts and you'll be saved...otherwise, feel free to re-create once we make the move (no ETA right now, will advise).


*"LastPostID", as you can imagine, refers to the ID of the last post, the number at the end of the URL when you select a post. Users with a post count of zero should have a zero lastpostid, however if a spammer posted and we deleted the post, the user would have a postcount of 1 but a 0 lastpostid.

There are 274 users with "posts of 1 or 0" and lastpostid of "not 0"; those for the most part appear legit.[

Kudos to you for helping,Greg!! Some of us who are "chatterboxes" may end up in a special bullpen with limited access...LOL.

Thanks again for what you are doing!!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis turpis eget odio sagittis accumsan. Duis erat lacus, facilisis eget venenatis eu, tempus a tellus. Duis hendrerit lobortis est venenatis viverra. Praesent vel ipsum pretium, facilisis lacus ut, porttitor diam. Phasellus iaculis libero at tellus interdum tincidunt. Donec malesuada magna sed dapibus elementum. Etiam placerat pharetra nibh semper feugiat. Nulla facilisi. Quisque consectetur ante massa, id feugiat mauris tincidunt a. Morbi feugiat dui porttitor est hendrerit, et scelerisque ligula feugiat. Sed in nisi neque.

Nullam ac tortor nisl. Phasellus eu nunc molestie, congue lectus vel, accumsan mi. Sed vitae purus non quam tempor tempus. Sed vulputate velit sed condimentum faucibus. Duis sit amet hendrerit neque, eget vulputate odio. Etiam pharetra, nisi nec porta gravida, ligula tortor dictum velit, eget viverra neque lorem quis augue. Sed sit amet arcu sed ligula consectetur rhoncus. Pellentesque gravida arcu a purus sagittis, quis iaculis odio luctus.

Quisque dolor ipsum, imperdiet a tempus eget, tempor vel augue. Donec quis congue ante. In mollis magna dignissim, placerat tortor vitae, accumsan enim. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum id porttitor lorem. Nunc ac elit porta, gravida nibh nec, sagittis tortor. Duis sagittis, velit in dignissim molestie, enim tortor lacinia enim, vel condimentum mauris lorem at purus. Vestibulum suscipit pretium nisl ac pharetra. Nullam iaculis libero in nibh pharetra, sit amet accumsan leo tempor. Curabitur sed magna lacus.

Donec eu velit leo. Donec tempor feugiat erat, eget gravida velit. Nulla enim arcu, scelerisque in velit et, rhoncus tincidunt sapien. Aenean vel nunc ipsum. Nam et blandit enim. Donec consectetur consectetur sapien, sit amet vestibulum libero imperdiet sit amet. Nulla fringilla elit vitae quam congue, vitae auctor tortor pretium. Curabitur a libero ut nisi fringilla pellentesque. Fusce ultrices, tellus id iaculis venenatis, velit ipsum euismod nulla, et hendrerit dui velit sit amet quam. Sed non dolor ut ligula fermentum euismod.

Etiam quis nunc egestas sem eleifend rutrum sit amet et risus. Aliquam sed tellus orci. Pellentesque eget tincidunt justo. Suspendisse feugiat sodales ligula et convallis. Aliquam condimentum magna et sagittis pulvinar. Aenean scelerisque ac diam a rutrum. Curabitur imperdiet ullamcorper lectus, non pellentesque sem tempus vel. Etiam quis pretium magna. Nulla et leo in diam congue dapibus. Curabitur metus nisi, varius eget purus eu, sollicitudin faucibus justo. Proin ut accumsan quam, accumsan suscipit elit. Pellentesque tempus dignissim consequat. Aenean iaculis a lacus vitae tristique. Nulla pretium nulla quis augue egestas, eu dapibus eros commodo.
from Google Translate:

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Either the translator is f'd up, or you must be smoking something Mickey. :D
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