ITB cars in HP as is

I submitted a letter in support of the IT to Prod allowance, so I should know this...but I'm not sure it's 100% official yet. And as noted, it would need to be an IT car in IT trim to be a true crossover car, so you are correct, no real slicks allowed, must be on DOT rubber. As soon as you call it a Prod car, or use one Prod allowance beyond IT prep, you'd need to at very least comply with the Prod safety rules, such as the IT optional 7th and 8th forward cage members, fire system, and window clips. I may be missing something, check the rulebook.

The VW has the tank under car and does not need a cell. As long as the cage has a dash bar and anti wheel tubes , the cage should be fine.
Our case, VW Scirocco, we took out 100#, added a fire system and slicks and went racing with the IT legal engine. The car ran pretty well with full glass and all steel.

Next , removed front bumper and put the battery inside .

This year we have a fresh bottom end, light flywheel, some compression, prod legal cam, better fuel system. We need about 2 sec to run with the bigs. A real engine is a start. Real tires next maybe, but that sets up gearset issues.

The Golf , set up about the same is still 100#over.and 2 sec slower tho it handles better and carries more speed midturn. ( due to the rearsteer)
This car was a good IT car until I peeked at the flywheel and the cam. both are NG for IT and I added the HP labels.