T-shirt catch phrase ideas... just spit balling


New member

Place your ideas for t-shirt catch phrases here. Keep it clean please. Like one or another? Quote it and post your edits and/or acceptance. Here is what we have so far:

Brain dump, 1/10/2014

improvedtouring.com read. learn. post. race.

improvedtouring.com bolt on. dial in. go racing.

improvedtouring.com Your one source for know-nothings and know-it-alls in club car racing.

When the mothership doesn't know jack shit about car racing - improvedtouring.com

Cause that main web site just sucks. improvedtouring.com your information source for entry level club racing.

When you're not a kid and still want to play with blocks (engine block photo) - improvedtouring.com - go race

I don't need no stickin' turbo to race my car - my brain and my car are powered by improvedtouring.com

"When I don't know what I am doing, I go to improvedtouring.com" - Kimi

Because "rules", "parity" and "equity" in club racing can and should be discussed at length. improvedtouring.com

Stock Hp * 1.25 = Gain HP * lbs/hp multipler = base weight + adders = minimum weight where Gain Hp * FWD/RWD reducer = wheel hp. Knowledge is power. improvedtouring.com.

When Spec Miata and LeChump drivers have had enough. improvedtouring.com

Mickey Mossaidis, 1/13/2014.

Your one source for know-nothings and know-it-alls in club car racing. improvedtouring.com

Stock Hp * 1.25 = Gain HP * lbs/hp multipler = base weight + adders = minimum weight where Gain Hp * FWD/RWD reducer = wheel hp. My brain and my car are powered by improvedtouring.com

Greg Amy 1/14/2014

"Where rules discussions are really about more than just rules..."

"Washer bottles? WASHER BOTTLES? We don't need no steenkin' WASHER BOTTLES!!!!"

"Where pedantic discussions on rules, rules."
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got time for that!!