I completed every lap in the MARRS series except 1 this season (broken throttle linkage on the last lap of one race). I finished a distant second in two two-car races in Charlotte, and finished mid pack the majority of my other races. I did earn my first podium at a Summit Point race this season as well as a podium at VIR and Jersey, but they were all lowly attended races (by MARRS standards).

Aside from the 3rd place at Summit, the only other race I was proud of this year was finishing 9th out of 27 on Labor Day. (Hayes, any friend of mine who gets married on Labor Day weekend is no longer a friend...pick a fight with them to get uninvited)

While I am proud that I was one of only two cars that earned points in every MARRS sanction this season, I have mixed feelings about the fact that I earned second place for the season. I'll admit that I saw it as a possibilty about mid season and made it my goal at that point. However, the truth of the matter is that there was only a hand full of racers who actually attended enough races to be in consideration for the championship. The season champion was consistently above the rest of the field and had many wins and podium finishes...he clearly is and deserves to be the champion. However, if there was a driver who had more raw points than me but just didn't attend enough races to qualify for the award, I would not accept the award.

Winning by default is less than ideal, but being given the win because someone else didn't beat you often enough even though they beat you often enough to earn more points is just wrong. There should be no minimum entry requirement. (IMHO)