I don't think a amature racing champion is someone who can afford to attend every race either... There needs to be at least 1 weekend equivelant of dropped races (NER mostly runs doubles or triples so you need two or three dropped races).

I think the old NARRC series 5 or 6 + years ago had the best structure... A few drops, and bonus points for entering races as well as extra bonus points for running multiple tracks. That was a good enough "reward" for participation that made it so a champion most likely had to run at least 50% of the races. Also I am 100% in favor of a "double points" end of season championship, especially if is not on a holiday weekend!

Raymond "not sure I agree but its a valad argument that If someone races three times as much as someone else and still has less points, they are not a champion, they just entered more races" Blethen