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Thread: New England Region IT EZ

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by tom91ita View Post
    i have had more "issues" running with Prod cars at National/Major events with oil being dumped on the track. i think they should be referred to as "Oil Can" racing and subject to banning.
    that is funny. A friend of mine who runs Spec Racer at the Glen where they run together refers to that inevitable mid race full course yellow as British Half Time.
    dick patullo
    ner scca IT7 Rx7

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Hanushek View Post would make sense to include those tires as part of the class rules...
    ....and would exclude 100% of all other vehicles currently within SCCA from participating in that class (i.e., double dippers). - GA

  3. #43
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
    There's nothing in the proposed ITEZ regs that would stop any of that.

    Please stop with the street tire religion. Pretty please? All of about TWO of you have even put your money where your mouth is and run them in any SCCA race. The rest of you have demonstrated absolutely nothing other than your religion's capability of being annoying as hell about this issue.

    - GA
    Agree, I also think that allowing R-comps might actually be a good thing. I bet smarty would give away used tires for free if you pay him to mount them...


  4. #44
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    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
    I bet smarty would give away used tires for free if you pay him to mount them...
    Smarty gives away used tires for free...period. Maybe beer if he doesn't like you. He has to pay to load, unload, and discard them.

    The only times I've seen him charge for tires is when the Spec Miata "high-falutin' crowd" decides that three heat cycles are enough to completely destroy Hoosiers. And that's very, very, very rare in Regional racing (all he covers). - GA

    Edit: Smarty's favorite event is the Fall one where all the Cub Scouts come down from the mountain and want a free race tire. He's all about making those go
    Last edited by Greg Amy; 12-17-2013 at 03:28 PM.

  5. #45
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    I know, I just didn't want to post "for" him. I think we should let people know they could potentially get free ones so they can give racing tires a try. Used or not they will still see (lap times) and feel a difference.


  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
    Agree, I also think that allowing R-comps might actually be a good thing. I bet smarty would give away used tires for free if you pay him to mount them...

    i too think that the potential of using "race" tires is a good thing. let them see how much more fun/competitive R tires can be if they want.

    i applaud the effort of getting non SCCA types SCCA licenses and running with at SCCA events. if they try purple crack and get hooked, so much the better.
    1985 CRX Si competed in Solo II: AS, CS, DS, GS
    1986 CRX Si competed in: SCCA Solo II CSP, SCCA ITA, SCCA ITB, NASA H5
    1988 CRX Si competed in ITA & STL

  7. #47
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    Jan 2005


    "IT‐EZ competition is designed as a “fun run” class, without any promise of intent of performance equitability."

    Run on Snow tires! No one cares!
    NER South

  8. #48
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    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by ner88 View Post
    "IT‐EZ competition is designed as a “fun run” class, without any promise of intent of performance equitability."

    Run on Snow tires! No one cares!
    No, they want a MANDATE that everyone HAS to run on those tires in "EZ".

    Sorry, "EZ" is run whatcha brung...including tires. If someone wants to buy Hoosiers for that class, I'm pretty confident they'll get laughed at. Hysterically. - GA

  9. #49
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    Sunnyside, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by dickita15 View Post
    that is funny. A friend of mine who runs Spec Racer at the Glen where they run together refers to that inevitable mid race full course yellow as British Half Time.

    I love the off-season. I love the off-season. I love the off-season.

    Now, who is placing bets on where and when Jeff Lawton's next SCCA will be?
    Demetrius Mossaidis aka 'Mickey' #12 ITA NESCCA
    '92 Honda Civic Si
    STFU and "Then write a letter."
    2013 ITA NARRC Champion and I have not raced since.

  10. #50
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    raymond NH


    My best un educated guess is.

    Lime Rock in a used IT7 car that he found under a rock. He will sel the Miata and pocket 10,000 Pesos in the deal.

    Or he might show up at Thompson.

    Only the Shadow Knows
    All posts are made by a fat old guy with a crappy old car that isnt supported by a factory anymore and therefore should not be taken seriously, EVER

    We buy our tires at WalMart 205/50-15 NT-01 $148.00 last all season and go faster as they wear out........

    Driver Skills Development, 7's Racing Skunk Works

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    GA, please explain the logic of ; inviting a successful class to come and race with SCCA and then changing one costly parameter of that class, one that is a large part responsible for that success.
    Copy success, dont EFit up.

    I see no reason to repeat past mistakes. Keep it simple and cheap.
    The R tires have no good rewards other than a little G load. You also slide through the grass faster and hit the wall harder. Please tell me one benefit of R tires other than maybe you get them for free.
    It would make the most sense to start this class on the 20 tires that most Chumpemons have in the garage . Once the horse is out of the barn, you cant go back. ( You could loosen the rule up later to meet demand) but once some new guy's wife buys him a set of Hoes. it 's over.
    Chumps spend more on fuel than tires!!
    There are maybe 12-15 "R tire" classes that are already weak. Allowing R tires to this class would just add to the weakness. The R guys can run someplace else.
    Having a dedicated group on streets makes a lot of sense.
    180 Tires would indeed allow double dipping for the rest of the IT cars and some of the Prod cars. 400$ per set of tires is like free for most of you. One set of wheels and tires are about the same $ as 4 Hoes and can last 50 sessions.

    Chumps went Chump for a few reasons. Hassle, cost, track time.
    You comment makes no sense and is rude.
    Mike Ogren ,, 352.4288.983 ,

  12. #52
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    Location "First Loser" Greensboro, NC USA


    Yeah, sorry, guys - I'm totally drinking the street tire koolaid on this one.

    (And yes, I have raced on them, so nyah!)

    The primary purpose of the idea is to capture the Chump/Lemons crowd. Even if it's framed as a "fun run" class initially, you KNOW it's a racing class and racers gonna race - particularly if it catches on even a little. Messing up a key aspect of what makes those formulae work seems like a bad idea. The class can't be everything to everyone so there's no sense dorking up a key aspect of the draw for the target market.

    Unless I misunderstand and the class is really supposed to target existing SCCA class-eligible cars...?


  13. #53
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    Mar 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Flyinglizard View Post
    GA, please explain the logic of ; inviting a successful class to come and race with SCCA and then changing one costly parameter of that class...

    1) It's not inviting "a" class, it's inviting a category - a mindset - of significantly disparate vehicles from multiple, disparate, disorganized "organizations". NER is inviting "crapcan" cars to come play in, and experience, a different culture, and not to a specific set of regs from any specific other orgs; and

    2) They're not changing any costly parameter; they're saying "come run with us, whatever your configuration, whatever you got, as long as it meets our minimum safety regulations."

    Herein lies the major difference between how you see this and how I see this (and this is *NOT* a personal attack): you see possibilities of competition, I see possibilities of access. You're thinking in terms of how you can be competitive in a particular class at a minimum of cost; I'm seeing how we can get someone who's not raced with SCCA to come race with SCCA.

    And you can race on street tires if you want to. We don't care. Just give everyone else the right to choose what they want to do, too.

    A lot of people just gloss right over that whole "no guarantee of competitiveness" thing (the whole basic concept of Improved Touring - the original crapcan series back in 1984!). Some will see that and think "oh cool, a place to play" while others see that and think "oh good, I can be competitive 'cause no one else will try to be". When it comes to ITEZ, I'm the former ("hey, go play and have fun") and you're the latter ("I'm'a gonna win that race!") I could be wrong, but I suggest that ITEZ's intent is "go play" and that means "by whatever means you choose to do, but keep in mind someone else is gonna spend more money than you".

    THIS is why I keep teasing you about the "jumping the shark" thing with crapcan racing. It's gone beyond the "let's go have fun stage" and is well past the "I'm'a gonna win that race!" stage. Right now, NER SCCA is all about "go play". That may change later, but for now...


    P.S., Non sequitor, I'm still trying to decide what to do about Sebring and PBR - still trying to find a hitchhike space for my Integra - and I'd really like to get a couple STL finishes under my belt. If you have a car that'll run two weekends without issue, might need to meet up.

  14. #54
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    NH, US


    Anyone want to run an ex ITB VW schirocco? I know where you can get one cheep... I think all it needs a front shock, transmission and some safety stuff like belts. If you are interested contact me!

    Raymond Blethen
    RST Performance Racing

  15. #55
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Colchester, CT, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by mossaidis View Post

    Now, who is placing bets on where and when Jeff Lawton's next SCCA will be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post

    1) It's not inviting "a" class, it's inviting a category - a mindset - of significantly disparate vehicles from multiple, disparate, disorganized "organizations".

    Making street tires mandatory so everyone is competitive makes no sense. You've got a '79 Ford LTD with a 250K suspension running against forced induction '93 Miata............ Is being on street tires going to make that equal???

    Run what ya brung............

    And everyone forgets the first page of the IT rules in the GCR: No guarantee of competitiveness...........
    Jeff L

    ITA Miata

    2010 NARRC Champion

    2007 NERRC Championship, 2nd place
    2008 NARRC Championship, 2nd place
    2009 NARRC Championship, 2nd place

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    newington, ct


    The point of this, I believe, isn't to be a catch-all to other existing SCCA racecars. We have enough of those already. I too feel this should be on street tires. Get a lot of complaints, open it up. Much easier to do than the opposite.

    It's not necessarily about being competitive. When I was running an under prepped car, I knew that I wasn't going to be near the front. I was okay with that. But if the street tire deal can make cars run a bit closer and encourages the less expensive culture, great!

    If the goal is to attract some chump cars, why not ask they what they'd prefer? Is there a place where many potential candidates could be reached other than the ChumpCar forum?
    Dave Gran
    Real Roads, Real Car Guys – Real World Road Tests
    Go Ahead - Take the Wheel's Free Guide to Racing

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
    The point of this, I believe, isn't to be a catch-all to other existing SCCA racecars. We have enough of those already.
    I disagree, Dave; it's most assuredly intended to be a catch-all for cars that cannot fit anywhere else. A lot of these crapcan cars simply will not fit into anything else, especially given non-standard modifications. I know this because it has been a point of discussion among some hierarchy for some time on how to incorporate "crapcan" racing into the stodgy SCCA structure.

    Couple this to the whole Racing Experience program and a street tire "mandate" is completely misplaced within the philosophy and intent of these programs, which are all about everything but mandates; they're the anti-mandates.

    - GA

  18. #58
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    Sep 2008


    Chumpemons has very few rules. One is safety the other is tires.
    Racing is all about applied HP. If you are not matted on the gas , the 400Hp does you no good. Shitty tires wont let you mat the pedal as soon.
    Low grip tires do even up the pack by limiting applied HP.. both accelerating and stopping. The big power cars take a much longer time to get past a faster exiting lighter car. Shitty tires also stop longer but the overall pack is pretty similar. Lower grip= better racing for a lot of reasons. Spring rates are lower, shocks less important, blah blah ..
    More grip simply cost more to run, brakes, fuel, tires, suspension all cost more at higher G loads.
    The extreme example of this is ice racing where many cars are door to door for many laps with a huge sample of HP levels.

    As noted if the 180TW is not popular, it is easy to change. But very hard to change to a 180 Rule if anyone has R tires.

    Every venue that has gone to a faster, more expensive tire has seen a decrease in racers. (SM has new well funded blood) but many SM guys are also running STL or EP to get away from the crack.

    AS far as SCCA Chumpemons,promotion goes. You will get banned from the CC forum for discussing any other venue. FB is pretty good, "Grassroots" is best. Print ad in Road and track, grassroots. a nice little PR sent someplaces.

    The real issue I see is that we have very few races with any lead time to get the word out. CC post their schedule on their web site in NOV. for the next year.
    I was trying to gather some dates but you have to look all over the net to find any SCCA dates.

    Compare the Chumpcar site to any site that SCCA has. Right on the home page is the schedule for all to see. There is no easy access to our SCCA schedule.
    We need a "SCCA Touring Car"( or EZ Touring car") home site that is simple with 10 doors or less, with a nationwide schedule on the front page. A 1 click page for the overview of our racing program.
    I think that each category should have it's own official site, promoting their own agenda. Prod, GT, Touring, EZTC?
    WE have so many people/regions involved it just gets sloppy to find anything. Look at the NASA 25 hr? good coverage , big ads.

    When I posted my "crap can rules". My hits went to over 100 per day on that page. Why? google up "crapcan racing". Now google up IT racing. next try IT EZ ,
    Google "FWD racing".
    "SCCA touring car" comes up with terry 's jersey challenge.
    You will see why I push for the "crapcan" title , in spite of the down sides to it.

    "EZ Touring Car" by SCCA. might be good.

    Google is my friend.
    FB page might help

    WE need google to hit upon a easy to navigate site. We need a nationwide schedule and compatible rules with other sanctions for EZ cross over.

    GA ,I will look in the barn for the 300TW tires for the STL car.
    Raymond. I am very interested in the Rocco. I called you.

    Mike Ogren/ ProtechRacing
    1220 Broad St.-US 41
    Masaryktown,FL. 34604
    Mike Ogren ,, 352.4288.983 ,

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Greg is right (god did I just say that). ITEZ is a catch all class. There is absolutely no guarantee of competitiveness. And Dave the only other one we have up here at this prep level is ITE which is very fast and runs with big bore.
    IT EZ is an opportunity for LeChump and other orphans to race with NER SCCA. I have no idea how many if any LeChumpers want to race with us. Some say they are not interested in a sprint format. If we actually have a LeChump level cars show up it will be easy to create a class for them but first we need to PROVE that there is a demand.
    NER has a pretty good series in 2014. 6 weekends, three tracks, it is going to be a good place to race.
    Dave and Mike you both said put the cars of street tires now and it will be easy to change later. Are you guys on crack? Have you not met SCCA? All rule sets get more restrictive as a class matures. Adding a tire rule will be easy (or more likely adding a street tire class) if there is demand. Removing a restriction from the rules shakes the club at its very foundation.
    So stop arguing. The rules do not have a street tire restriction. If you want one stop arguing on the internet and show up with a crap box at our events. I will not even consider a street tire class unless racers prove a little demand.
    dick patullo
    ner scca IT7 Rx7

  20. #60


    I have emailed this thread to the new Area 12 Director; Chief Steward for the Roebling Road Driver's School, and the new Atlanta Region RE, with a suggestion that the SEDIV adopt the NER's IT-EZ class. I'm only one voice out in the wilderness, so if you are interested in seeing this happen in SEDIV add your voice to the proposal by contacting your Area Director, RE, etc.



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