Quote Originally Posted by matt batson View Post
as someone who is planning to re-enter the road racing scene, it is really encouraging to hear that many are interested in running cheaper street tires
I'm going to offer a balancing view on this, and point out the obvious...that unless the rules are changed to restrict tires, you're always going to get your ass handed to you. Every weekend.

And you're going to hate it.

Remember, racing isn't about saving money. It's about winning.

I witnessed this with the IT7 group up here in the northeast. They have a "gentleman's agreement" to run Nittos, instead of following the ITA regs. Each and every time someone decides to slap "IT7" on the side of their car, yet chooses to run Hoosiers (remember, their very own self-made rules state "we follow ITA regs") that person gets shunned.

Now, I'm expecting a blitz of replies from them denying it, yet I've personally witnessed it: Jake, Norm, even half-serious ribbing of Ray this year. And each of those person has felt uncomfortable with it, and made to feel defensive (and make excuses) about it, and in the end either left the group or relented to Nittos.

And yet, each time I've asked - sometimes, insisted - that they change the IT7 regs to specify either a Nitto tire or a minimum TW - something they have complete access and authority to do! - they decline, stating it's not needed.

Well, it is.

So for those of you getting all excited about the "street tire revolution" I caution you: either change the regs, create a completely new class with tire-specific regs, or simply STFU when someone comes and races against you with a Hoosier tire and leave them alone. They're following the rules that you created.

Just sayin'.

- GA