fuel cell questions


New member
what brand? what should I look for in a fuel cell? what about the road race ones on summit? they are aluminum and so forth.

any info will work for me.
Yes...unless you are required to have one, stay with your OEM tank.

A fuel cell is:
1. Expen$ive;
2. Heavier than an OEM tank;
3. Maintenance intensive (foam replacement); and,
4. Bladder has a limited life.
And don't forget that you have to add additional plumbing / pumps to get it to work correctly with the stock FI
I agree with what everyone has said above. I actually called the SCCA about this, and they said that the safety engineering behind the stock tank is very good. The stock tank, sitting so far forward on top of the frame rail/axle beam, is very safe.

Another thing to consider is that folks often locate the fuel cell behind the frame rail/axle beam, which puts it in the crush zone for rear-end contact. This certainly negates at least some of the advantage of having a cell.

Finally, you are driving a Jetta so the trunk puts even more distance between the stock tank and the rear bumper.

If I thought it was more safe I would have a fuel cell . . . I race a Jetta, I have a stock tank, and I feel just dandy about it.

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The only reason to go with a cell is as said the rule set requires it or if you plan on running in a lot of endures and want/need a bigger fuel tank.

I work with some Lemons teams and this discussion comes up every once in a while. Should they install a cell or not. It's a lot cheaper to make other changes to the car to extend the time between stops for fuel then to install a cell.
I put a cell in my HP car. New cell, new pumps, new fuel lines, pricey.

My recommendation is like everyone elses. Stick with the stock VW unit.