Slopok, I *AM* a midpack guy. and I care - more than you could imagine. but if a cheater is running around in the back somewhere it's going to be harder to focus attention, energy, and money (should an official protest come to pass) in getting him fixed. being midpack, a lot of these guys see nothing wrong with what they are doing. they know they are cheating and even THAT isn't getting them the ashtray so obviously (to them) EVERYONE is cheating OR it simply doesn't matter because they aren't disrupting the championship.

it's a really difficult mentality to deal with, and challenging them enough can lead to chasing them away, even if all you were trying to do was get them to stay, but become legal, or even to change classes to something that their car would be legal in as is. if they race clean and safe and show up and pay entry fees while cheating and NOT disrupting the points for the legal, fast guys, that's a loss for the club. so a lot of people are going to resist the urge to "do anything" about it. thus "I really don't care" if they aren't causing a problem.