Sorry - I don't think there's any easy, painless way to achieve the stated goals here without a huge commitment by regional powers-that-be. If you can get them to commit to ARRC-style post-race inspections, more power to you but I don't think that's likely. If you DO make noises about that kind of thing, you *must* follow through. (Think about that out-of-control kid at Walmart being told for the 10th time that he's being told the LAST TIME, dammit!!)

I'd simply hit the worst offenders and work back through the list until you get to a level that you're collectively comfy with.

Having dealt with Scott Hileman (aka the Fastest MkI GTI in the World) at the 2011 IT Fest (including giving his engine a good look-see post-race), I let him know that I planned on coming back in 2012 and "looked forward to racing him in legal cars." I emailed him a couple months before the event and let him know that I was prepared to file a protest and again encouraged him to show up with the right stuff. (I got no response.)

After first practice, I took the paperwork I'd prepared in advance (including pictures of what a STOCK MkI GTI throttle body looks like, vs. the Audi unit he had) to try to talk with him in person. I got told to "fuck off," that he was just trying to have fun with his family. I explained that I was sorry he felt that way, that the event (and the ITNT points) was kind of a serious thing, and that I'd be protesting him.

Which I did.

He got bounced out of the points but was allowed to run, on a plea deal after admitting guilt to the tech guy for the obvious stuff that didn't require a teardown. I didn't have any additional trouble with him, although I did put an extra GoPro in the car so I had video front and back - just in case.

Now, I have zero idea if he came back this year legal. I would hope so. I wish it could have been handled amicably but it couldn't. I got to be the jerk but that's kind of how the process is supposed to work. To their FULL credit, the MO stewards handled the process WAY better than either of the previous protests I was involved in, back in the day.

Short answer: Use the system.